October 26, 2020

New Home Checklist: Things to Complete Right After Your Move

Moving to a new home is a thrilling experience. With it comes many responsibilities and essential tasks to manage along the way.

Before you settle in, there are many to-dos to take care of in your new house. Here are some crucial things to complete to make your new house feel like home.

1. Inspect Your Belongings

First, check to make sure everything made it from your old home to your new home. Be sure to inspect the boxes marked “fragile” for any breakage or damage.

Place each moving box in its designated room. Proper box placement will help you with the unpacking process.

2. Survey Your New Home

Thoroughly inspect your new home before you unpack everything. Document any damage or problems.

Check all the plumbing for potential leaks. Inspect any water damage that might need immediate attention. It will be easier to address these issues before further damage occurs.

Take time to familiarize yourself with the breaker boxes and water shutoff valves so that you know where they are in case of an emergency.

3. Clean Thoroughly

Before you dive in and start unpacking everything, make sure you do some deep cleaning. If you cannot get the deep cleaning done before the move, now is your chance before you unpack everything.

Hopefully, the previous owners left the place in good shape, but it’s an excellent idea to give it your own thorough cleaning. You will want to start your new life in a fresh, clean home. 

4. Unpack and Organize

Start off right in your new home with an organization plan that includes where everything will go. Unpack slowly and systematically over the first month in your new home. It’s better than trying to do it all at once.

Perhaps some things can stay in boxes to save space in the new house. Decide if these are things you want to keep and place in storage or if they are things you can part with and donate.

5. Test or Replace Smoke Detectors

A vital safety precaution to take immediately is to test all of the smoke detectors. Check the batteries as well as the age of the smoke detectors. Keep in mind that you should replace smoke detectors with new ones every ten years.

6. Consider Your Security

Change the locks of your new house since you can’t be sure who has a key. Also, make sure to change the garage security code.

You might also consider a smart doorbell to help you keep track of people who approach your home. Motion sensor lights are also an affordable way to add a bit of security to the exterior of your home.

7. Install Window Coverings

Not only a design element, but window coverings also provide privacy as well. If your new home doesn’t have these yet, add installing window coverings to your to-do list.

8. Meet Your Neighbors

Introduce yourself and your family to the new neighbors. Do this as soon as you can. Knowing your neighbors can provide peace of mind and a sense of security after moving to a new home. Use this as an opportunity to learn more about your new neighborhood and a way to make new friends.

Enjoy Your New Home

The moving process is sometimes a struggle, but once you feel settled into your new space, it will all be worth it. These tips can help you get settled in your new house quickly and efficiently.

Contact us today. We can help with your move and provide tips to make it a smooth one.



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    Trudy Fingal was my move consultant for the second time and she was nothing short of outstanding both times! She genuinely has passion for making the move as easy for the customer as possible and routinely goes above and beyond!

    - Jill L.

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    We are open for business as usual while we prioritize the health of our customers and employees above all else. We also offer virtual surveys for all of our customers so you can receive a quote while staying at home and practicing social distancing. Read more about our COVID-19 safety precautions..