How to Be Properly Prepared for Moving Day
Moving can be a stressful event if you’re not properly prepared. But it can actually be fun if you are ready with your boxes, moving truck and help.
Moving itself may not be all that tough. But once the day arrives when you’re supposed to be loading up to get your things to a new location, things tend to go awry.
There are some things you can do before and on the day of your move to keep things running smoothly and get you to your new destination without any bumps or scratches. It all starts with packing and the rest is history.
Read on for a more comprehensive look at what you should be doing to prepare for and be ready on your moving day.
Packing is the most important part of any move. It’s important to keep the boxes organized and labeled and make sure that you’re not packing unnecessary items. Here are a few tips to get you started…
Pack for the New Location
Don’t just pack up a room according to the space you’re leaving. You want to be sure that there will be room for your belongings in the new space.
If you’re packing the kitchen, for example, make sure items belonging to specific new areas of the new kitchen are placed together and organized accordingly.
Perhaps there are more bathrooms in the new house (or fewer!). You’ll need to pack accordingly.
Take Pictures/Label
Labeling your boxes is essential for organization—both leaving the old house and arriving at the new house.
Take pictures of the boxes as they’re packed up. Indicate the room it goes to or a number system to keep everything in order.
A number system is good because it causes less confusion and therefore less stress on moving day, especially for those you’ve hired or asked to help with the move.
Moving and packing are great ways to get rid of things you no longer want or need. Make a pile and/or boxes specifically for charities in your area and get rid of the things that you’re no longer using.
The charities will be grateful and you’ll have less to move.
Be Prepared With Food & Supplies
Moving day is an exhausting event for all involved. Make sure to keep a cooler packed with quick food snacks and essentials like water and Gatorade.
It’s also a good idea to have a box or boxes packed with essentials that will be needed at the new house while the big stuff is still being unpacked. Don’t forget a personal luggage bag for each individual with a few changes of clothes and essential toiletries.
Keep Cash on Hand on Moving Day
There are bound to be unexpected expenses that will come up throughout the move so it’s a good idea to keep a few bucks on hand. Think about a tip for the movers and the pizza delivery person or other tasks that may come up.
Keep it Together
Moving day shouldn’t be scary and stressful if you keep your lists together and pack with confidence. When you find yourself ready to move and need some help along the way, contact our professionals for experience and moving knowledge you can trust.
5 Strategies for Transitioning Into Your New House
Are you looking for ways to make your move easier on you and your family?
Moving can be one of the most stressful activities that we take on as humans, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
This guide will help you make your transition into your new house easier and have you feeling at home right away.
Read on to discover 5 tips on transitioning into your new house:
1) Hire Professional Movers
The first and most important tip is to hire movers who know what they’re doing.
You might think this is a waste of money but in the long run it will save you tons of time and stress.
Professional movers have the equipment to move all of your large items for you in one trip. They also know the area well from executing countless moves and are able get to and from your house quickly.
With professional movers, you don’t have to worry about your friends or family hurting themselves while trying to move items into your house.
Professional movers know the best strategy for loadings and unloading your items and will do so while you take care of other aspects of your move.
2) Search Craigslist
You’ve already dropped a load of cash on your new home, you don’t have to spend a fortune on furniture as well.
Don’t be afraid to peruse Craigslist for items at affordable prices. Oftentimes the furniture on Craigslist is in great shape and only slightly used.
Before you head to IKEA to buy a full bedroom set, check Craigslist for hidden furniture gems.
3) Take Your Time
When it comes to unpacking, it’s ok to take your time. You may feel like you have to tear through all the boxes in one night, eagerly tossing things into place.
This isn’t the best strategy. It’s ok to slowly unpack your new place and get a feel for where things should go.
You can use the excuse “we’re still getting settled” to avoid having people over for several weeks after your move.
4) Prepare Bedroom First
When moving into your new house, it’s a good idea to set the bedroom up first.
This is because your bedroom can act as a sanctuary. If you set your bedroom up first you’ll always have a nice room to retreat to at the end of your long days of unpacking.
Tip: Pack a set of sheets in one of your dresser drawers so you don’t have to go through boxes to find a set of sheets to make up your bed.
Check Pinterest for fun and unique decorating tips for your bedroom. The more personalized you make your space, the more at home you’ll feel.
Set your bedroom up as you like it and try to keep it clean throughout the entire unpacking process.
5) Get Connected
A great way to transition into your new home is to get connected with the neighborhood.
Go next-door and meet your neighbors, join a community club, or start attending the local church. Get involved in your new community so you start to feel at home there.
Make Your New House a Home
We hope this guide gave you some helpful ideas on how to turn your house into a home you and your family will love.
It’s important to take your time and reach out to your new community to help make your move easier.
The most important thing is to be patient with your family members and yourself. Moving is hard on everyone but a little patience will make it easier.
If you have any questions about this article, or if we can assist you in your moving needs, please contact us here!